Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

Student's research projects

The project aims to support at least 10 excellent research oriented student projects (final theses or semestral projects). The student research projects are selected using a mini-grant award mechanism. Up to 6480 EUR per project.


  • Innovativeness in the field of green technologies
  • Excellence (what the project offers more than ordinary diploma theses or semestral projects)
  • Cooperation with industry
  • The potential for the creation of a quality publication from the results
Theses must be in English, the reviewers will also be from the partner university

How to apply

Two calls for applications, one in November 2022 and one in May 2023
  • Student’s Supervisor fill the Application form.
  • Applications will be evaluated by a committee based on criteria above
  • Selected applications will be awarded and financed by the project
  • Cross reviewing of final students final theses and semestral projects between STU and NTNU
  • Presentation of the results by authors on one of the workshops organized in the framework of the project

Update - 30.05. 2023

The second call for proposal for student research projects is open now.
Applications are invited between June 15, 2023 12:00 CET and June 25, 2023 12:00 CET.
To apply fill the application form and send a signed scan by email to from Slovakia or to from Norway.

Download Section

  • Students Research Project Form
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