Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

About the Project

The goal of this project is to strengthen institutional cooperation between higher education institutions in Slovakia and Norway to enhance both quality and relevance of the education in Slovakia in the field of Green Industry Innovation. The project aims to start a close cooperation between STU Bratislava and NTNU Norway. The focus of cooperation will be the integration of research and industrial applications in the field of innovative green technologies into student final theses and semestral projects.
Specific objectives of the project:
• Increasing the number of final theses and semestral projects aimed at solving problems in the field of sustainable green technologies and environmental solutions
• Improving the knowledges and skills of graduates to meet the challenges of sustainable development, global warming, and other environmental issues
• Improving the conditions for the integration of research and industrial application of green technologies and environmental solutions into the education process through final theses and semestral projects.
• Improving the interconnection of research, industry, and education in the field of green technologies at the applicant university using the experience of the partner.


Methods of intervention

  • Personalized learning with a focus on supporting new, research-based pedagogical approaches
  • Skills development of learners and staff
  • Support of synergies between research, education and the world of work
  • Development of strategic partnerships with private enterprises
  • Strengthening of cooperation between organizations

Core project activities:

  • Support of excellent innovative research in student final theses and semestral projects
    • Coordination and financing of students’ research projects
  • Two workshops
    • Slovakia workshop May 2023
    • Norway workshop February 2024
    • Students can present the results of their research on these workshops
  • Two Awards
    • Award for best diploma thesis
    • Award for best thesis created with industry
Do you feel that your final thesis or semester project is innovative and offers a sustainable solution in the field of green technologies? Do not hesitate and try to get involved in solving this project.


The Green innovations in student final theses and semestral projects benefits from a € 185 000 grant from Norway through the Norway Grants. The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of € 28 000. The aim of the project is to achieve integration of research and innovation in the field of green technologies into the final theses and student semestral projects and the strengthening the relationship between research, education, and industrial practice.

UCHEI © 2022