Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

Opening Conference

The Opening Conference, which was held on 24th November 2022 in the premises of the Slovak Chemical Library, has officially launched the project IRinGIFT. During the conference participants were informed about the motivation, aims and goals of the project, which focuses on the green innovations in students’ final theses. Opening speeches were given by vice-rector of STU prof. Ing. arch. Ľubica Vitková, PhD., dean of FCHPT STU prof. Ing. Anton Gatial, DrSc. The participants were also informed about the Norway Grants, which is funding the IRinGIFT project by Katarína Kubalátová from Research Agency. Project manager prof. Ing. Juma Haydary PhD. presented the mechanism for reaching project goals and introduced to the participants the way of submitting student works to the project solution. Partner institution, where the project will be also solved, is NTNU, which was introduced to participants by Ing. Ivan Červeňanský, PhD. The subsequent discussion was devoted to the details of applying for financial support.


UCHEI © 2022